After the survey has been completed, the installation physical security officer must reassess the installation's
physical security posture based on the following factors:
The mission.
The potential threat.
A comparison with the findings of previous surveys and inspections.
Using this assessment, the physical security officer develops a physical security resource plan recommending
resource allocation priorities for personnel, equipment, and money, and recommending the development of any
new procedures needed. The highest priority is normally given to activities considered essential or critical to
mission accomplishment. This plan is forwarded to the commander for consideration, and is included in the
installation physical security plan.
Physical Security Inspections
Physical security inspections are conducted according to AR 190-13 on facilities in which AA&E governed by
this regulation are stored. Additionally, physical security inspections must be scheduled as follows:
For new AA&E storage facilities, before and immediately after occupancy.
On significant change in the facilities' structure.
After a forced entry or an attempted forced entry with or without theft.
When a unit receives an unsatisfactory rating on its physical security inspection, a reinspection will be conducted
within six months. A copy of an unsatisfactory physical security survey or inspection concerning RC and Reserve
Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) units is furnished to the installation commander providing logistical support.
The follow-up physical security inspection report is annotated to show which elements have received copies.
A physical security inspection is a formal, recorded assessment of physical security procedures and measures
implemented by a unit or activity to protect its assets. Normally, the inspections are limited to those units or
activities designated by the commander as mission-essential or those that contain vulnerable areas. When
available, a copy of the evaluation of the resource protection assessment conducted under the provisions of AR
11-2, Internal Management Control, dated 14 September 1990, should be provided to facilitate the inspection.
Inspections do not allow illegal or dangerous conduct by inspectors to demonstrate security deficiencies or
weaknesses. Inspections may be conducted on an unannounced basis to ensure that proper physical security
measures are being employed to safeguard personnel, equipment, materiel, and facilities. Before conducting
unannounced inspections, inspectors should review unit training schedules to ensure that the inspections will not
interfere with training exercises.
A physical security inspection is conducted every 18 months for nuclear reactor facilities, nuclear and chemical
storage units or activities, and conventional arms and ammunition storage activities.