Introduction - MM50000005Introduction to TimersIntroduction to Nonsinusoidal WaveformsFigure 1. Periodic nonsinusoidal waveformsSection II. Frequency-Response Analysis and Transient ResponseSection III. Nonsinusoidal Waveform Composition Nonsinusoidal Waveforms In Common Use Figure 3. Composition of a short pulse with a long-time intervalFigure 4. Sawtooth wave compositionFigure 5. A square wave with low harmonic contentFigure 6. Highfrequency response to a rectangular waveEffects of harmonics on pulseduration timeFigure 8. Sawtooth wave frequency responseSection V. Summary and ReviewTypes of TimersTypes of Timers cont'dFigure 9. Representative method of timing radar systemsFigure 10. Typical timing of an oscilloscopeFigure 11. Time relationship of timing pulsesFigure 12. Externally synchronized timer block diagramFigure 12a. Externally synchronized timer block diagramFigure 13. Timer waveformsMaster oscillator (V1)Multivibrator (V8)Practice Exercise - MM50000046Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000048Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000050Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000052Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000054Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000056Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000057Answer to Practice Exercises - MM50000058Answer to Practice Exercises cont'dApplications of RC and RL CircuitsFigure 16. Pulse reference periodsSection I. Series RL Circuit ResponseFigure 17. RL circuit response to a step voltageFigure 18. Universal time constant chart for series RL CircuitSection II. RL Time ConstantsEffect on Time Constant of Varying L and RTable I. Voltage and current values when a positive step voltage is applied to a series RL circuitFigure 19. Series RL circuitTable II. Voltage and current values when positive step voltage is applied to a series RL circuitFigure 20. Universal time constant for a series RC circuitSection IV. Time ConstantsEffect of Varying R and CTable III. Voltage and current values when a positive DC is applied to a series RC circuitPractical Applications of RC and RL CircuitsFigure 21. Response of a series RL circuit to an ideal rectangular pulseFigure 22. Pulse with finite rise and decay timesFigure 23. Output voltage sources in RC and RL circuitsResponse of an RC circuit - MM50000090Figure 24. Effect of mediumtime constant squarewave inputResponse of an RC circuit. cont'dFigure 25. Waveshapes for shorttime constant RC circuitFigure 26. Waveshapes for longtime constant RC circuitResponse of RL circuit cont'dFigure 27. Effect of medium RL time constantFigure 28. Effect of short RL time constantFigure 29. Effect of long RL time constantResponse of an RC circuit - MM50000104Figure 30. Response of RC circuit to triangular wave inputFigure 31. Capacitor and resistor voltages with triangular wave inputFigure 32. Varying the time constant with triangular wave inputSection III. High-Pass RC CircuitFigure 33. Input and output pulses for a highpass, shorttimeconstant, series RC circuitLong-Time Constant - MM50000112Figure 34. Input and output pulses for a highpass, longtimeconstant, series RC circuitSection IV. Low-Pass RC Circuit Figure 35. Input and output pulses for a lowpass, shorttimeconstant, series RC circuitLong-Time Constant - MM50000118Figure 36. Input and output pulses for a lowpass, longtimeconstant, series RC circuit.Section V. High-Pass RL CircuitFigure 37. Input and output pulses for a highpass, shorttimeconstant, series RL circuitShort-Time Constant Figure 38. Input and output pulses for a long timeconstant series RL circuitSection VI Low Pass RL CircuitFigure 39. Input and output pulses for lowpass, shorttimeconstant, series RL circuit.Long-Time Constant - MM50000129Figure 40. Input and output pulses for a lowpass, longtimeconstant, series RL circuitSection VII. RC Pulse-Shaping CircuitsFigure 41. Differentiator circuit input and output pulsesDifferentation cont'dFigure 42. Differentiator circuit output for common waveformsIntegrationFigure 43. Integrator circuit input and output pulsesFigure 44. Differentiator circuit input and output pulsesIntegratorFigure 46. Integrator circuit input and output pulsesSection IX. Summary and ReviewReview QuestionsReview Questions cont'dPractice Exercise - MM50000151Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000153Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000155Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000157Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000159Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000161Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000163Answer to Practice Exercise - MM50000164Answer to Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000165Answer to Practice Exercise cont'd - MM50000167Timing Circuits