Introduction - Mm500780007Figure 2. Functions of radar set AN/FPN-40.Introduction - Continued - Mm500780009Lesson . Adjustment of PPI, IFF, and Precision Display, and PPI Delay Control Figure 3. Radar set AN/FPN-40. - Mm500780011Figure 4. Control indicator group OA-2664/FPN-40.Figure 5. SCAN switch S305.Figure 7. Surveillance-Final Approach-Height Finder Approach Switch Figure 8. Synchronizer-Generator, Eletronic Marker Figure 9. Computer, navigational CP-338/FPN-33.Figure 10. Synchronizer-Generator, Electronic MarkerFigure 11. P/O Synchronizer-generator, electronic marker Figure 12. P/O panle, power distribution Figure 13. Indicator, azimuth-elevation range Surveillance-Final Approach-Height Finder Range Nautical Miles Figure 17. 10-mile precision on display.Figure 18. SN-386/FPN-40 (top view).Locate the following on the IP-800/FPN-40 (Figure 19).Figure 19. Indicator AZ-EL range IP-800/FPN-40.Figure 20. IP-800/FPN-40.Figure 21. SN-386/FPN-40Figure 22. IP-800/FPN-40.On the precision display of the radar CRTRotate R1510 (Figure 25) on SN-386/FPN-40 slightly clockwiseProper adjustment of the PRECISION CENTER AZ controlRotate R1507 (Figure 27) on SN-386/FPN-40 slightly clockwisePlace Range Nautical Miles Adjusting the PRECISION SWEEP LENGTH control R1516Rotate R1516 slightly clockwise and counterclockwiseFigure 30. Precision Horizontal Centering Control Figure 31. Indicator, AZ-EL range IP-800/FPN-40Figure 32. Angle volts test point.Figure 33. Navigational computer, R402 ART ANGLE VOLTS control, S401 ART AZ position.Figure 34. Grid line and time base sweep.Figure 35. S401 ART-EL position.Figure 36. Time base and grid line location.Using this checklist, review the location of the following components and controls.Using this checklist, review the location of the following components and controls. - ContinuedLearning Event 2: Adjust PPI Delay Control Figure 38. Indicator, azimuth-elevation-rangeFigure 39. Control, radar set C-2074/FPN-33, S2802Learning Event 2: Adjust PPI Delay Control - Continued - Mm500780049Figure 41. Synchronizer-generator, marker- electronic SN-386/FPN-40Figure 42. Control radar set C-2074/FPN-33.Figure 44. CRT presentation.Figure 45. CRT presentation.Learning Event 2: Adjust PPI Delay Control - Continued - Mm500780054Learning Event 3: Adjust PPI Display on Radar Set Learning Event 3: Adjust PPI Display on Radar Set - ContinuedFigure 47. Top inside view of synchronizer-generator, electronic-marker, SN-386/FPN-40.Figure 48. Indicator, azimuth-elevation- range IP-800/FPN-40, surveillance display of time base sweep.Learning Event 3: Adjust PPI Display on Radar Set - Continued - Mm500780059Figure 49. RANGE MARK GAIN control and RANGE NAUTICAL MILES switch in SEARCH 40-MILE position.Learning Event 3: Adjust PPI Display on Radar Set - Continued - Mm500780061Figure 50. Indicator, azimuth-elevation-rangeLearning Event 3: Adjust PPI Display on Radar Set - Continued - Mm500780063Figure 51. PPI display on CRT 40-mile range.Figure 52. PPI display 10-mile range.Figure 53. PPI vertical gain display maladjusted.Figure 54. PPI horizontal gain display maladjusted.Figure 55. Time base sweep ending after 40-mile range mark.Using this checklist, review the control settings.Learning 4: Adjust IFF Display of Radar Set Figure 57. Synchronizer-generator, electronic-marker SN-386/FPN-40.Learning 4: Adjust IFF Display of Radar Set - ContinuedFigure 58. CRT with IFF sweep display.Adjustment of PPI, IFF, and Precision Display, and PPI Delay Control