Level Radar, Adjust Power Supply and Center Current, and Synchronize
Precision SweepIntroduction - mm50040006Figure 2. Functions of radar set AN/FPN-40.Introduction - Continued - mm50040008Lesson. Level Radar, Adjust Power Supply and Center Current, and Synchronize Precision SweepFigure 3. Radar set AN/FPN-40. - mm50040010Figure 4. Radar set group OA-2665/FPN-40.Level Radar SetFigure 6. Antenna pedestal subassembly AB-642/FPN-40, drive lock.Figure 7. Radar set group OA-2665/FPN-40, leveling jacks.Figure 8. Power supply PP-2489/FPN.Figure 9. Control monitor C-2124A/FPN-33.Figure 10. Antenna pedestal subassemblyFigure 11. Antenna pedestal subassembly AB-643/FPN-40,Locate the Jam nuts on the cross arm spirit level.Level the AN/FPN-40 radar set group.Place SCAN switch (S4201) to the ON position (Figure 9).Place SEARCH, PRECISION, HEIGHT FINDER switch (S4204) to PRECISIONEngage the azimuth drive-lock (Figure 6).Adjust the two side leg leveling jacks Rotate the AB-643/FPN-40 with the MOUNT POSITION switch Figure 19. Radar set group OA-2665/FPN-40, rear jack. You have completed the leveling of the AN/FPN-40 radar set groupNow, use this checklist to review the locationLearning Event 2. Adjust Output Voltages Locate the following controls and componentsFigure 22. P/O front panel of PP-1670/FPN-33. Adjust the output voltages of PP-1670/FPN-33.Figure 24. PP-1670/FPN-33 +105 V meter indication.Place the METER SELECT switch S3201 to the +300 V position Learning event 3. Adjust the 10 kV Power SupplyLocate the indicator, azimuth-elevation range,Observe the 10 kV power supply meter.Adjust 10 kV power supply PP-607/GPN on radar set AN/FPN-40.The location and initial settings of the components and controlsLocate and disengage the release handles of the synchronizer-generatorFigure 30. Synchronizer-generator electronic markerAdjust power supplies in synchronizer-generatorConnect a multimeter between ground test point TP1514 Connect the multimeter between the +6 V DC test point TP1510Connect the multimeter using the 50 V DC scaleConnect the multimeter between the +12 V DC test point TP1513 Connect the multimeter between the +45 V DC test point TP1518Connect the multimeter between the -45 V DC test point TP1519Learning Event 5: Adjust 1500 CPSFigure 37. RT group OA-2667/FPN-40.Figure 38. Component drawer handles.Figure 39. Radar receiver chassis.Figure 40. Radar receiver synchronizer assembly.Figure 41. Synchronizer assembly.Locate the receiver R-981/FPN-40 chassis interlock Adjust the 1500 CPS voltage level of radar set AN/FPN-40.Connect the vertical input of the oscilloscope to TP-3001Observe the peak-to-peak voltage of the 1500 CPS signal (Figure 44).Learning Event 6: Adjust the Centering Current Locate the SCAN ON/OFF switch on the front panel of panelLocate the vertical and horizontal sweep amplifierAdjust the centering current of radar set AN/FPN-40.Adjust the centering current of radar set AN/FPN-40. - ContinuedWhile adjusting the OFF CENTERING VERT control R-1502On the vertical sweep amplifier, adjust LEVEL ADJLearning Event 7. Align Angle Volts Locate the precision drive handwheel on antenna pedestal subassemblyLocate and identify antenna pedestal subassembly AB-644/FPN-40 Locate the clinometer on the elevation antennaWarningLocate the spirit level and bubble of clinometerLocate the following parts on the clinometer Figure 56. Clinometer POS/NEG degree settings.Figure 57. Clinometer setting.Figure 59. Clinometer dial.Figure 60. Control indicator group OA-2664/FPN-40.Figure 61. Control radar set C-2074/FPN-33 front panel.Figure 62. Navigational computer CP-338/FPN-40, front panel.Locate and release the locking handles of the computer chassisLocate the following controls and test points on the computer chassis
(Figure 64).Figure 64. Navigational computer CP-338/FPN-40, inside-top.Align the AN/FPN-40 angle volts demodulator of radar set AN/FPN-40.Figure 65. DEMOD LEVEL adjust connection.You have completed the angle volts demodulator alignmentNow, use this checklist to review the location of the following
components and controls.Learning Event 8: Align AZ Angle Data Figure 66. Synchro housing.Figure 67. Azimuth angle data resolver.Perform the following on power supplyYou have completed the azimuth angle data resolver alignment.