Find the next digit of this divisor,
which is the next digit of the root.
Use a number which will enable the
divisor and the root when multiplied to
approximate the new radicand; place this
digit to the right of the divisor and
the same digit below itself.
Place it
in the root above the digit of the
appropriate group of the radicand.
Multiply the divisor by the new portion
of the root, and place this product
under the appropriate radicand, subtract
any remainder, and bring down the next
group (if there is one) and repeat the
operations in frames 5, 6, and 7.
the remainder (with an additional group
of two zeros) is too small to permit the
new divisor to be divided into it, carry
the original remainder as a remainder.
The square root is 5.1 with a remainder
of 3.