(1) Cheesecloth (item A) and alcohol are used in cleaning electrical contacts, metal parts to be
soldered, and so forth. In some issues of the TK-105/G a little can of alcohol may be
(2) Six Microgator clips (item B) are useful in devising electrical arrangements for the testing
and troubleshooting of circuits. Besides serving as temporary electrical connectors, they can
serve as miniature clamps to hold tiny items in place while soldering, and as little heatsinks.
The Microgator clip, while suitable for connections in shop tests of operating equipment, is
too small for connecting test leads to line binding posts for field cable and wire connection.
For this purpose, Test Clip TL-137 is more suitable. The TK-105/G does not include TL-
137's, but wiremen and linemen will need them.
(3) An electrician's knife (item C) is a multipurpose tool, useful and versatile in repair and
maintenance work.
(4) A roll of electrical insulating tape (item D) is supplied with the TK-105/G. The circular
plastic shells on either side of the tape fit together and make a good container for keeping
your tape clean.
h. Items for Use in Inspecting (fig. 15). If you are going to fix the equipment right, you must be
able to see, observe, and inspect details closely. These tools will help you do so.
Figure 15. Tools for use in inspecting.
(1) An inspection light (item A), either a commercial or a military-type flashlight, should be in
every mechanic's or repairman's tool kit. A good technician always has a good, operable