12. You are having difficulty in loosening an ordinary slotted roundhead bolt with your screwdriver.
Your grip on the handle keeps slipping and the bolt will not budge. What should you next do in your
attempt to loosen the bolt?
a. Obtain a square-shank screwdriver and an adjustable open-end wrench to apply more leverage co
the screwdriver and bolt.
b. Obtain a vise-grip or lever-action wrench, and adjust it to grasp the head of the bolt; then turn the
wrench counterclockwise.
c. Get a steel chisel and a ball peen hammer, and shear off the bolthead simply by chiseling.
d. Obtain an electric drill and a high-speed steel bit to drill the head off the stubborn bolt.
13. Why are a mirror and a magnifying glass included in a tool kit such as the TK-105/G?
a. For soldering and unsoldering connections by concentration of sunlight.
b. For inspecting equipment and seeing details of work being done
c. For conserving dry cell batteries used in the inspection light
d. For deflecting and magnifying spurious light beams
14. Using Government property for its intended purpose, safeguarding it, and otherwise caring for it are
what you do in carrying out your
a. supply obligation.
c. property responsibility.
b. pecuniary liability.
d. property accountability.
15. Overheard in a repair shop were the remarks given below. Pick the one which reflects the most
favorable attitude toward the matter of safety.
a. "Well, I've been doing it this way for years. And I never had an accident!"
b. "I always put the guard in place before turning this on."
c. "That rule is for the birds. We don't bother. Wise up!"
d. "It's too blasted hot to wear these goggles."
16. All efforts in accident prevention should be aimed at detecting and getting rid of
a. unnecessary movement.
c. hazards.
b. machines.
d. tools.