All personnel engaged in operations involving explosives, ammunition, and other hazardous materials must be
thoroughly knowledgeable of the SOPs established for each operation in the ammunition storage facility. They
should be trained in safety precautions relating to mission accomplishment. They should be able to detect and
recognize potential hazardous situations and conditions. Safety is everybody's responsibility.
All personnel must think safety and practice on-the-job safety as well. Attention to detail while working with
ammunition, explosives, and other hazards must become a habit. It may save their lives.
Prompt actions must be taken by all personnel to eliminate or control any hazardous condition or situation. This
may require the shutdown of operations and the evacuation of all personnel to a safe area. Operations will not be
resumed until the hazard has been eliminated.
An incident or accident must be reported immediately through the proper chain of command. Fire fighters,
medical personnel, and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel should be called to assist in eliminating the
Fire Plan
A fire plan, which is part of the SOP, is one of the first things an explosive storage area needs. The fire plan
covers all aspects of fire safety. The fire plan describes what everyone is to do in the event of a fire. It
designates the key individuals, alternates, and organizations, and defines their responsibilities, including who is
responsible for the following tasks:
Reporting the fire.
Directing the orderly evacuation of personnel.
Notifying nearby personnel of the impending danger.
Initiating the means of extinguishing or controlling the fire.
Fire Prevention
Fire prevention in an ammunition storage area is the responsibility of all personnel who work in or enter the
storage area. The storage area must be kept in such a condition as to prevent fires from starting and to prevent
fires from entering from other areas. The following paragraphs describe some specific fire prevention measures.
Grass, weeds, undergrowth, and other flammables must be kept out of the storage areas. By controlling the
growth of vegetation, the possible spread of any fire is limited. Weed killers, mowing, animal grazing, plowing,
and cutting are methods used to control vegetation. However, the proper supervision of personnel is required
when any method is used.
The burning of vegetation is not permitted within 50 feet of earth-covered magazines, nor within 200 feet of
above-ground magazines or storage pads. All structure doors, windows, and ventilators must be closed during
Firebreaks that are at least 50 feet wide and are free of flammable material must be maintained around above-
ground magazines and storage pads.
Dunnage may not be stacked within 50 feet of magazines, and may never be stacked within the firebreaks.