1. Ammunition and explosives are classified (into hazard class/category) on the basis of their reactions to a
specified or external initiating influence, such as heat, spark, shock, or friction. These actions/reactions may
be natural or manmade. The grouping of ammunition and explosives into hazard classes is designed to
assist in developing proper quantity-distance planning for the MSA.
2. Hazard Classes. TB 700-2 is the basis for the DOD storage classification.
a. Class 1.1 -- Mass-detonating explosives.
b. Class 1.2 -- Non mass-detonating, fragment producing.
c. Class 1.3 -- Mass fire producing.
d. Class 1.4 -- Moderate fire, no blast.
e. Class 6.1 -- Toxic chemical items.
3. Protection afforded. The following actions are based on target/magazine hardening, net explosive weight
limits, and the establishing of proper safety distances. They include:
a. Hardening of the target building or construction of the source and/or target building that is designed to
reduce the required safety distances.
b. Ensuring that the net explosive weight limits never exceed the authorized level.
c. Ensuring that established safety distances reflect the acceptable and/or reasonable safety requirements
compatible with the risk of accidental explosions.
4. Quantity-Distance safety factors.
a. All QD safety distances are based on the permissible exposure of structures and personnel to blast
(1) The principal effects of the explosive's output to be considered are blast overpressures, fragments
and debris, thermal hazards, and chemical hazards.
(2) The blast overpressure relates to the violent release of energy from a detonation. The energy release
gives rise to a sudden increase in gas pressure. This sudden increase is the blast or shock wave.
Table 5.0 of TM 9-1300-206 (shown as Figure 1) lists the probable effects of blast overpressure on
structures and personnel.
b. Quantity-Distance separation. The following QD types are based on how the facility is to be used and/or
where it is to be located. Ammunition safe separation distances are contained in Table 5-1, TM 9-1300-