3. Assume that a repairman installs new batteries in two Telephone Sets TA-264/PT that are used in a point-
to-point circuit. Under normal conditions of intermittent operation, he should plan to replace these batteries in
a. 2 weeks.
c. 6 to 8 weeks.
b. 3 to 4 weeks.
d. 8 to 10 weeks.
4. Improvements in equipment are reflected in new models or new nomenclature. For example, the major
difference between Telephone Set TA-264/PT and Telephone TP-9 is in the
a. case.
c. battery supply.
b. vacuum tubes.
5. Special precautions must be taken to conserve the batteries in Telephone Set TA-264/PT when the set is
not being used. This conservation it accomplished by
a. latching the cradle switch down.
b. removing the batteries from the set.
c. turning the gain control knob to minimum.
d. disconnecting the batteries at the terminal board.
6. Telephone Set TA-264/PT can be operated as an ordinary field telephone or as an amplifier telephone.
When operation without amplification is desired, the amplifier section is made inoperative by
a. operating the handset switch.
b. locking the cradle switch lever down.
c. adjusting the GAIN control switch to OFF.
d. setting the SIG-BELL switch to the SIG position.
7. Telephone Set TA-264/PT is essentially a local-battery telephone. Its use differs slightly from that of the
local-battery set because the type of operation with this set is
a. one-way only.
b. point-to-point only.
c. two-way simultaneously.
d. two-way, but not simultaneously.
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