Safety Considerations: There are no specific safety considerations for this subcourse; however, you are reminded
to stress safety in all ammunition related activities.
1. The term "receipt" refers to an incoming shipment of ammunition from another SAAS-4 activity, a port, or a
manufacturing plant. It does not include unit turn-ins. Ammunition receipts don't just happenthey are
planned and directed by the SAAS-1/3 activity, based on reported issues and remaining on-hand stocks.
a. Advance shipment notice. Advance notice of incoming shipments provide SAAS-4 locations with the
opportunity to do advance planning prior to arrival of the ammunition. The advance notice is a DA Form
5210-R (XBT Record) DIC (Document Identifier Code) XBT card from SAAS-3. All essential data about
the shipment is on the XBT card, including DODIC, condition code, quantity, document number
(transportation control number (TCN)) and required delivery date (RDD). See Figure 1 for interpretation
of this document.
b. The DIC XBT is known as an Intransit-in Notification (XBT-IIN). Do not record the XBT-IIN on the
document register. Data obtained from the XBT card is used by the stock control, storage, and
surveillance sections for planning. Use the following block or column instructions to complete the DA
Form 5210-R:
(1) (DIC)(cc 1-3). Enter XBT.
(2) (Trans Code)(cc 4-6). Enter appropriate 3-digit transaction code (LTS, IFS, LTR, or IIR).
appendix K of DA PAM 710-2-2.
(3) (St Pt Code)(cc 7-8). Enter 2-digit code that identifies the SAAS-4 activity making the report.
(4) (DODIC)(cc 9-12). Enter DODIC for reported item.
(5) (Acct Code Ammo)(cc 13-15). Enter ammunition account code, if known.
(6) (From CC)(cc 16). Enter condition code of reported DODIC.
(7) (Transaction Quantity)(cc 17-24). Enter the transaction quantity.
(8) (Ordinal Date Trans)(cc 25-29). Enter the ordinal date of the report from the data column of the
DODIC Master Record. NOTE: The ordinal date is a five-position number. It is the last two digits of
the calendar year and the 3-digit Julian date. For example, use 86031 for 31 Jan 86.
(9) (Transportation Control Number/Document Number)(cc 30-43). Enter the first 14 digits of the
transportation control number from the XBT-LTD, XBT-IFD, XBT-IIN cards, or TCMD (DD Form
1384), as applicable.
(10) (SUF)(cc 44). Enter suffix code when one is given on the XBT-LTD or XBT-IFD cards, or TCMD, as
applicable. Leave blank for LTR and IIR transactions.
(11) (RDD)(cc 47-49). Enter RDD from XBT-LTD card when reporting a location transfer shipment.
Otherwise, leave blank.