important features as appropriate. State whether the malfunction was due to personnel
error. If any unusual observations were made during preparation for firing, include a history
Block 33. Enter the names and phone numbers of witnesses (for example, REDEYE gunner) or other
persons who can provide additional firsthand information.
Block 34. In Block 34a, enter the typed or printed name of the person submitting the report. In Block
34b, enter the rank of the person listed in Block 34a. In block 34c, enter the signature of the
person submitting the report. In block 34d, enter the date of the report.
During this lesson you have learned:
The terminology used to discuss malfunctions.
The responsibilities of the individuals and agencies involved with a malfunction.
Malfunction reporting requirements.
The procedures used to report a conventional ammunition malfunction. You will now take a
practice exercise that covers the material you learned in this lesson. When you complete the
practice exercise satisfactorily, proceed to Lesson 2.