Figure 2-31. Extract of Table 5-6, TM 9-1300-206.
10,000." Then read across the top of the table until you find the numeral "9." Reading across and
down, you find that the minimum intermagazine distance is 235 feet.
Now try another exercise using Table 5-6 and Table 5-7. Assume that you have 95,000 pounds NEW
of class/division 1.1 munitions requiring storage. Find the intermagazine distance required between an
unbarricaded above-ground (not earth-covered) magazine and a standard, earth-covered, arch-type
magazine, the front of which is unbarricaded. Using Table 5-6 (shown in Figure 2-31), go down the left
side of the table until you find the block marked "Above ground magazine (not earth-covered)." In the
block to the right, find the word "Unbarricaded." Now go across the top of the table until you find the
block marked "Standard, earth-covered, arch-type magazine." In the blocks below, find the one marked
"Front unbarricaded." Where the two lines intersect, you will find the numeral "9." This is the
intermagazine hazard factor that you will have to apply to Table 5-7 (shown in Figure 2-32). You will
also need the NEW of the munitions requiring storage.