Ammunition Inspection and Lot Number Report
This is a quarterly report in the 80-column computer format, as shown in Figure 2-12. It is used to provide input
for WARS. This report uses a series of defect codes to indicate the defects found in each ammunition lot during
inspection. It is prepared under the supervision of the QASAS according to AR 700-22 for conventional
ammunition, and according to AR 710-9 for GMLR.
DA Form 3524-R (Small Arms Ammunition Trace Test Record)
This form is used to record and report surveillance function test results for small-arms tracer ammunition. An
example of a completed DA Form 3524-R is shown in Figure 2-13. Instructions on completing and using the DA
Form 3524-R are given in SB 742-1305-94-20, Small Arms Ammunition Trace Testing, dated 9 November 1989.
The completed DA Form 3524-R is forwarded to AMCCOM for final evaluation.
DD Form 250 (Material Inspection and Receiving Report)
This report is initiated at depots in connection with the shipment of a new procurement of supplies from a
vendor's manufacturing plant.
DA Form 984 (Munition Surveillance Report-Descriptive Data of Ammunition Represented By Sample)
This is one of the most commonly used and most important reports in the ASRP. It is used to report all findings
during surveillance inspections, and also to report the results of function tests (except small-arms ammunition
trace tests). This report is therefore the basis for the data recorded on DA Forms 3022-R, DD Forms 1575, DD
Forms 1575-1, DA Forms 4508, and DA Forms 2415. The DA Form 984 also serves as a handy and versatile
worksheet used by surveillance personnel to keep notes during the inspection or test process. An example of a
completed DA Form 984 is shown in Figure 2-14.
DD Form 626 (Motor Vehicle Inspection)
Although not classified as a record or report, the DD Form 626 is an important document in the surveillance
program. It is used to certify motor vehicles for the transportation of ammunition. An example of a completed
DD Form 626 is shown in Figure 2-15.
DD Form 836 (Special Instructions for Motor Vehicle Drivers)
Since drivers are not normally familiar with the characteristics of various ammunition items, it is essential that
they be provided with instructions for actions to be taken or avoided in the event that the vehicle is involved in an
accident, a fire, or a breakdown. The DD Form 836 provides such instructions for the specific type of materiel
being transported. An example of a completed DD Form 836 is shown in Figure 2-16.