Keys to AA&E storage buildings, rooms, racks, containers, and IDSs are maintained separately from other keys,
and are accessible only to those individuals whose official duties require access to them. A current roster of these
individuals is kept within the unit, agency, or organization. The roster must be protected from public view. It is
signed by the designated official and contains the names of those individuals authorized to receive keys from the
key custodian. At no time will keys be in the sole custody of a person not listed on the roster.
Keys to AA&E storage buildings, rooms, racks, containers, and IDSs may be secured together in the same key
container. However, keys required for the maintenance and repair of IDSs, including keys to the control unit door
and the monitor cabinet, must be kept separate from other IDS keys, and access must be permitted only to
authorized maintenance personnel.
When arms and ammunition are stored in the same areas, keys to those storage areas may be maintained together,
but they must be kept separate from other keys that do not pertain to AA&E storage. The number of keys must be
held to the minimum essential.
Keys may not be left unattended or unsecured at any time. When not attended or used, they must be secured in
containers of at least 20-gauge steel, or of material of equivalent strength, that are equipped with a secondary
padlock or a General Services Administration (GSA) -approved, three-position, changeable-combination lock.
Keys or combinations must be accounted for at all times. Containers weighing less than 500 pounds must be
fastened to the structure with bolts or with chains equipped with secondary padlocks. Keys to arms-storage
buildings, rooms, racks, IDSs, or containers may not be removed from the installation except to provide for
protected storage elsewhere.
In the event of lost, misplaced, or stolen keys, the affected locks or lock cores must be replaced immediately.
Replacement locks, cores, and keys must be secured. The use of a master-key or multiple-key system is
Key and Lock Custodian
A key and lock custodian, whose duties include assuring proper custody and handling of keys and locks, must be
appointed in writing. Only the commander and the key custodian (or alternate, if appointed) may issue keys to
those individuals on the key access roster. Personnel listed on the roster may transfer custody (in writing) among
themselves when circumstances warrant. The key and lock custodian's duties also include the procurement and
receipt of keys and locks and the investigation of lost or stolen keys. The key and lock custodian maintains a
record to identify each key, lock, and combination used by the activity, including replacement or reserve keys and
locks. This record must show the current location and custody of each key and lock. A key control register is
maintained at the unit level to ensure continuous administrative accountability for keys. The intent of this
requirement is to ensure the positive control of keys and to affix responsibility for the custody of stored AA&E.
Key control registers contain the printed name and signature of the individual receiving the key, the date and hour
of issuance, the SN or other identifying information of the key, the signature of the person issuing the key, the
date and hour the key was returned, and the signature of the individual receiving the returned key. The DA Form
5513-R (Key Control Register) may be used for these purposes. An example of a completed DA Form 5513-R is
shown in Figure 3-2. The DA Form 5513-R may be reproduced on 8 1/2-by 11-inch paper. A reproducible copy
of DA Form 5513-R is located at the back of AR 190-11. Completed key control registers are retained in