Safety Planning
The safety of personnel must be ensured during ammunition disposal operations. The following are some basic
safety considerations. These are not to be considered all-inclusive.
Shelters. Personnel engaged in demolition work must have ample time to reach shelters affording overhead
and frontal protection. Such shelters may be permanent or temporary. They must be located at the appropriate
inhabited-building distance (IBD) for the quantity and type of material being detonated, but in no case will the
distance be less than 300 feet. Demolition team members must be inside these shelters when explosive materials
are destroyed by detonation, or when explosive materials that may detonate are being burned.
Protective Clothing. Personnel engaged in
burning ammunition items
should be
provided with fire-resistant
outer clothing. If fire-resistant clothing is not available, clothing may be flameproofed by immersion in an
approved flameproofing solution. Refer to TM 9-1300-206 for the composition of these solutions.
Communications. A
means of
communication must be
available at the
destruction site.
may be by telephone or two-way radio.
Personnel Requirements. The number of personnel exposed to the hazards of ammunition destruction must
be kept to a minimum, but may not be fewer than two. The number required is determined by the NCOIC/OIC of
the team. Personnel not actively involved in the operation, and those who have completed their tasks (such as
transport vehicle operators after vehicle off-loading is completed) must leave the area.
A written SOP must be prepared and approved prior to conducting disposal operations. All personnel involved in
the destruction operation are required to read the SOP, and a copy must be available at the disposal site.
The SOP must be approved by the commander or by a qualified member of his or her staff to whom the authority
to review and approve procedures has been delegated in writing. The SOP should be reviewed by EOD
personnel, by those responsible for the disposal operation and site, and by the unit's surveillance section. TM 9-
1300-250 contains general information on the preparation of SOPs.
SOP Elements
There are three parts to each SOP-the cover sheet, the index of operations, and the operations formats.
The SOP cover sheet contains the following information:
The name of the installation.
The type of activity.
The organization symbol.
The number and date of the SOP.
The revision number (when a complete revision of the SOP has been made).
The change number and date for either the basic or the revised SOP, as applicable.