This completes the use of quantity-distance tables to solve problems involving safety standards. After
you take the review exercise and you feel you are fully capable of using these tables, you are ready for
the final examination. If not, go back and review those areas that you do not understand.
Use the extracts on pages 51-64.
1. You have 21,000 pounds of bulk TNT to store. What is the inhabited building distance?
2. You have illuminating projectiles with a NEW of 75,000 pounds. What is the intraline and above
ground magazine distances?
3. You have 20,000 fuse lighters to be stored. What is the above ground magazine distance? (Use
the least distance possible.) The storage structure to be used is fire resistive.
4. You have 47,000 pounds NEW of 105mm semi fixed Comp B, HE cartridges.
What is the
maximum required intraline distance and IBD?
5. You are storing mines, HEAT, with a NEW of 12,000 pounds. They are to be stored in a
nonstandard earth covered magazine, front barricaded. What is the intermagazine distance?