MM3671, Lesson 2
2.4. Inspect the roof bows for any that are torn loose from the top side rails. Check them for cuts and
breaks. Roof bows that are damaged, missing, or bowed are sufficient cause for rejecting the MILVAN.
Inspect the interior of the roof panels for holes or severe dents.
If you find that the floor of the MILVAN is acceptable, inspect the interior sides and front wall for any
damage, breaks, holes, or punctures. Small dents are acceptable, if the panels are not punctured and if
the vertical support is not weakened. Any hole in the side or front wall is cause for rejection. Dents in
panels that do not affect support of corrugated ribs are acceptable.
2.8. Check for cracked or missing welds. Any distortion of corner posts and any dent in top rails that
exceeds 3/4 in. deep, regardless of length, is cause for rejection.
Inspect all previous repairs and welds. They should be properly made and intact. A poor, cracked, or
missing weld will seriously weaken the structural strength of the MILVAN.
Closely inspect any frame members that are load bearers, both horizontal and vertical (figure 2-12).
Check them for distortion, breaks, and separation. Any dent in any support member that exceeds 3/4 in.
in depth, regardless of length, is a cause for rejection.
Figure 2-12. Where To Inspect for Load Bearers.