a. One PDS assistant and other PDS assistants or team members as necessary, cross the hot
line, collect equipment and other items from the equipment drop and pour decontaminating
solution over the area.
b. They then proceed through the contamination reduction area of the PDS dismantling and
collecting items in containers as they proceed. Each point is decontaminated by pouring
decontaminating solution over it.
c. Contaminated clothing and equipment that has been collected should be disposed of as
directed by on-scene-commander (AR 50-21). Contaminated items in plastic bags may be
disposed of along with the leaking munitions, or they can be decontaminated using procedures
in TM 3-220.
d. After the PDS is dismantled, a final check for contamination will be made. If contamination is
found, contamination markers should remain until the area is decontaminated and cleared by
the on-scene-commander, at which time the markers will be removed.