7. If you are going to use burning as a method of disposal, which of these should not be spread over
the combustible material?
a. motor oil
b. thickened flame fuel
c. gasoline
d. diesel fuel
8. After a burning operation, you should let the pit cool for at least _______ hours before checking for
a. 2
b. 12
c. 24
9. True or False: During peacetime, nerve agents should be disposed of by open pit burning.
10. To ensure that munitions have been destroyed by a successful closed pit burning operation
a. watch the "telltale" device burn and make sure there is no smoke leaving the pit.
b. wait at least one hour and then open the pit to make sure everything has burned.
c. wait for the smoke to come up and then douse with an 80% solution of calcium hypochlorite.
11. Venting should not be used for
a. chemicals with a high volatility
b. CG, CK and AC
c. nerve agents
12. Biological agents can probably be destroyed in a short period of time by
a. burning
b. boiling
c. venting