1. If you have a minefield map and/or intelligence information it will be easier for you to conduct your
2. As the senior NCO, you may be in charge of the minefield breaching party. You should organize
the party with yourself and four other persons. Refer to the illustration on the following page. The
team make-up and responsibilities are:
a. If there is no officer, the NCOIC will select another NCO or senior person to be in the party. The
NCOIC will find a position to observe and communicate by radio with the NCO in the party. The
NCOIC will move the party to the starting point and show them the direction to go.
b. The party should be organized with the following personnel:
(1) Member No. 1: Moves off in the direction given by the NCOIC, sweeping a 2 meter path
with the mine detector. As mines are found, he determines the exact location with the mine
detector or probe. He then summons member No. 2 who marks the mine. The mine
detector operator should be relieved every 15 or 20 minutes to avoid hearing fatigue.
(2) Member No. 2: Carries mine markers, probes, and engineer tape. He maintains an interval
of at least 1 meter while laying tape on both sides of the cleared path to mark the safe lane.
He helps in determining exact locations of mines, marks located mines, and cuts slack
tripwires. He relays messages to the NCO and requests assistance when necessary.
(3) Member No. 3: The NCOIC of the party usually will take up this position.
(4) Member No. 4: He follows the NCOIC carrying a spare detector and probe and when
directed by the NCOIC relieves Member No. 1 or performs other duties as directed.
c. Once you have breached and marked the minefield, you may decide to clear the minefield. For
further information concerning minefield breaching, consult FM 20-32.