MM4618, Lesson 3
AJCR28-Lot Visibility Update. This cycle accepts DIC XAP/XAQ transactions prepared by SAAS-4
surveillance personnel. These transactions update the lot visibility file to support reporting serviceability and
inspection data to SAAS-1 or to WARS feeder reports.
AJCR35-Formatted Transaction Input. This cycle allows interactive input of acceptable daily cycle
transactions that will process during the next daily cycle.
SAAS-3 users are able to input transactions, generate reports, and query certain tables and files by using the
system's video display data terminal. System input consists of transactions that maintain system structure
support information and transactions involving issues, shipments, and receipt of materiel. System processing is
input dependent as is the production of system output. Information from the input transactions is placed on the
various system structure support files. Output consists primarily of reports to higher headquarters, information to
subordinate units, and management reports.
The MOSs 55B40, 55R30, and 55X have the responsibility of ensuring that system structure support files
(SSSF) are built into the SAAS data base to ensure that the WARS feeder reports are available on the DAS-3.
System Structure Support Files
SSSFs provide information, parameters, and control data to accomplish the system's primary functions of
consolidating stock status reports from SAAS-4, computing authorized levels, and maintaining the status of
munitions. There are seven SSSFs.
NSN/DODIC Cross Reference File. This information consists of national stock numbers (NSNs) and part
numbers related to each Department of Defense identification code (DODIC). The primary cross-reference
source is the US Army DARCOM catalog data activity, which maintains a master cross-reference list available on
magnetic tape. Nonstandard DODIC and part number cross-reference data may be loaded manually.
Department of Defense ammunition codes (DODACs), DODICs, NSNs, and part numbers on system input
transactions are validated using the NSN/DODIC cross-reference file.
Catalog Description File. This file contains data that identifies ammunition items and describes item
characteristics such as weight per round, net explosive content, and quantity distance compatibility group. Again,
the primary source of these data is the US Army DARCOM catalog data activity. These data appear on system
reports for informational purposes.
Storage Point Account/Description File. This file contains identifying data for each storage point managed
by the level 3 activity, including storage point name, DOD activity address code, subcommand code, and major
command code. MILSTRIP documents are validated against the file, which also provides storage point data for
system reports. This file also contains all valid ammunition accounts for each corps storage point and data which
control computation of authorized levels. It identifies account priority and condition codes to be used during the
asset stratification process.
Transaction Code File. This file contains data which define acceptable system transaction codes and
control how the system will accumulate asset quantities for reporting. It also contains information used to process
due in/due out data. Codes on this record should be coordinated with SAAS level 1.
Application LIN/Rate File. This file shows the weapon system line item numbers (LINs) for each DODIC
and expenditure rates to be used in producing the days of supply report.