MM4618, Lesson 5
Circle the letter of the correct answer to each question.
1. For which purpose listed below is DD Form 805 not used?
a. To determine the capability of certain areas to store supplies.
b. To determine the requirement for new storage facilities.
c. To determine the location of new storage facilities.
d. To determine the equipment needed to maintain ammunition items that are in storage for long periods
of time.
2. Within how many days after the "as of" date should CONUS installations dispatch their DD Form 805 to
higher headquarters?
a. 5 days.
b. 10 days
c. 11 days.
d. 14 days.
3. Within how many days after the "as of" date should overseas installations dispatch their DD Form 805 to
higher headquarters?
a. 10 days.
b. 14 days.
c. 15 days.
d. 20 days.
4. How will storage space information be submitted for a subinstallation that is geographically separated
from its parent installation?
a. On the DD Form 805 submitted by the parent installation.
b. On a separate DD Form 805.
5. When computing gross square feet, should the inside measurements between exterior walls be used?
a. Yes.
b. No.
Recheck your answers to the review exercises. When you are satisfied that you have answered every
question to the best of your ability, check your answers against the exercise solutions. If you missed one or more
questions, you should retake the entire lesson, paying particular attention to the areas in which your answers
were incorrect.