d. When planning ammunition storage, lot integrity is a must. Storage personnel must ensure that the
appropriate distance between lots is considered. Leave an access aisle that is wide enough to permit
removing one lot without relocating another lot. Generally, the largest lot(s) should be stored in the rear
of the magazine, and the smallest lots in front. Storing the smallest lots in front provides easy access for
material handling equipment (MHE), and allows for the issue of the smallest lot(s) first, which is priority
one for issue.
3. Receipt Processing
a. The primary document used to receive ammunition is DD Form 1348-1 (DOD Single Line Item
Release/Receipt Document). This document is prepared by the shipper. It is used both as receipt and
shipment documentation. Upon receipt of DD Form 1348-1, the stock records section assigns a
document number from the document register. They compare the data on the XBT-IIN card from the due-
in suspense file to the data on the DD Form 1348-1, and note any discrepancies. See Figure 6 for an
example of DD Form 1348-1. Use the following instructions to complete the DD Form 1348-1:
(1) (Doc Ident). Enter document identifier code.
(2) (Stock Number). Enter National Stock Number.
(3) (Unit of Issue). Enter the unit of issue.
(4) (Quantity). Enter the quantity shipped. If quantity is greater than five digits, drop the last three digits
and place an "m" in the last position.
(5) (Document Number). Enter document number.
(6) (Supplementary Address). Enter supplementary address, usually the ship-to DODAAC.
Figure 6. DD Form 1348-1 (DOD single line item release/receipt document)