1. a. Category D.
b. Category F.
2. The antipersonnel mine (1345-00-710-6946) and the demolition charge (1375-00-028-5148), can be
stored together because both items are in Category E. Also, the 7.62mm Ball ammunition can be
stored with any other item because it is small arms ammunition.
1. The determination of how much ammunition is to be placed in an ASP is based on what would be
needed by supported units at the outbreak of a war. Normally a one- to three-day resupply, this
allotment's authorization is sent from higher headquarters in the form of a stockage list (Figure 2).
The stockage list usually provides the national stock number (NSN), nomenclature, and number of
rounds the ASP will be required to store. How and where that ammunition is to be stored in an ASP
begins by determining the total short tons* of the allotment (also called the gross tonnage).
*Long tons are 2,240 pounds per ton -- difficult to use in calculations. For this reason short tons (2000
pounds) are used in ammunition storage.
Figure 2. Sample stockage list
The procedure for computing total short tons of all the items on a stockage list is as follows:
Step 1:
Obtain the data for rounds per package, packages per pallet, and weight per pallet for each
item on the stockage list. This data is found in the DOD Consolidated Ammunition Catalog in
Part VII (Packaging Data); or applicable Supply Catalog (SC) Identification List (IL), Section
IV, Storage & Packaging Data, in the appropriate Federal Supply Class (FSC) Group 13
Ammunition and Explosives. See Figure 3 for an example of the DOD Consolidated Catalog;
See Figure 4 for an example of SC 1305/30-IL. The example used below is taken from the
first line of the stockage list in Figure 2.