MQS Critical Task: 01-4010.01-0001
Lesson Description
In this lesson you will learn the procedures used to determine where a new combat ASP will be located.
Terminal Learning Objective
You will be able to identify site selection criteria. You will also know how to develop a
layout plan that includes the following:
Storage area arrangements, including sections and specific FSUs.
The locations of required administrative, operating, and working areas.
An internal road net.
You will have access to the information contained within this subcourse booklet.
You will be able to state the site selection criteria, the dispersion distances, and the
separation distances according to TM 9-1300-206, Ammunition and Explosives
Standards, dated 30 August 1973; FM 9-13, Ammunition Handbook, dated 4 November
1986; and FM 9-38, Conventional Ammunition Unit Operations, dated 17 February 1987.
The material contained in this lesson was derived from TM 9-1300-206, FM 9-13, and
FM 9-38.
Too often, those of us in the ammunition field do not take the task of site selection seriously enough.
We normally think of an ASP as a fixed, established facility. In a fast-moving combat situation (such as
a new theater of operations) this will not be true. During the buildup prior to Operation Desert Storm,
problems were encountered when sites selected as ASPs would not support large stake and platform
(S&P) trailers. In some cases, the proposed site was not large enough to support the required volume of
ammunition stocks. In one case, the site selected was not preapproved by the host nation. All of these
situations created increased burdens on a logistics system that was already strained. Remember, ships
do not stop discharging cargo, aircraft do not stop landing, and intransit transport vehicles do not turn
around just because you are moving an ASP to a better location.