The proper use of logistical information is a critical part of the initial site selection process. Tasking requirements
from the battalion staff will identify the general vicinity where the ASP will be located. The battalion will also
provide the date and time when the ASP must be ready to start receiving stocks. Coordination with the Standard
Army Ammunition SystemLevel 1/3 (Theater Army Area Command/Corps Support Command)(SAAS-1/3
[TAACOM/COSCOM]) must be made to draw down the number of days of supply at the present ASP location.
The initial stockage objective breakdown is used by the stock control section to determine gross tonnages to be
The thoroughness of your advance planning is the key to making a successful move and meeting mission
Identifying Prospective Sites
The first thing you should do is obtain maps of the general area you have been designated to move into. If
possible aerial photographs should be used to update the maps. You should select three or four prospective ASP
sites based on the map information.
You will be looking for areas with the following characteristics:
Near the main supply route (MSR) and supported units to allow easy access to customer units and resupply
Natural barriers (such as rivers, seas, cliffs, canyons, and other land or water features that are difficult to
traverse) to provide security and defensibility.
Away from hospitals and important military facilities, especially those subject to aerial attack.
Sufficient distance downwind from populated areas, in the event that chemical munitions are stored in the
The areas must not only be large enough to store your present stockage objectives, they must also allow for
expansion in the event your stockage objective increases or if the site is used as a CSA as you move forward on
the battlefield. The areas may cover five to six square kilometers each. They must be larger for CSAs, and even
larger for theater storage areas (TSAs).
Conducting a Physical Reconnaissance
After you have identified prospective sites, you should plan a physical reconnaissance of the sites. In planning
physical reconnaissance, you should assign personnel to determine distances and to identify potential hazards
(such as overhead electrical lines, downwind hazards, and enemy activity). Consider at least one member from
the control section, from the surveillance section, and from the storage platoons for your reconnaissance team.
Identify any equipment or supply requirements (such as chemical detection kits, weapons, transportation, fuel,
water, meals, and maps).
The actual conduct of a physical reconnaissance is a critical step in the selection of the area in which to establish a
combat ASP. You should select a primary location and an alternate location during your reconnaissance. The
following paragraphs describe the features you will be looking for when you arrive at the prospective site.