7. Which area in the storage activity is used for the initial inspection of using-unit vehicles?
A. The salvage area.
B. The segregation area.
C. The vehicle holding area.
D. The vehicle assembly area.
8. What is the optimum safety distance between vehicles loaded with ammunition and outside targets?
A. 100 meters.
B. 250 meters.
C. 550 meters.
D. 700 meters.
9. What publication lists inert salvage items that must be returned to the ASP by using units?
A. DA Pamphlet 710-2-2.
B. TM 9-1300-206.
C. FM 9-6.
D. AR 385-64.
10. The sling-out area should have a stabilized concrete or asphalt base overlaid with what type of matting?
A. Static-free/M19.
B. JVD/M101.
C. Rubber/M24.
D. PSP/M8A1.
You may use Figure 4 on page 12 when answering Questions 11 through 15.
11. The stock control section has identified the following Category B items and amounts from the stockage list.
How many stacks and FSUs are required to store these munitions?
Stacks Needed
Projectile, 155mm, HE, D544
240 tons
Propelling Charge, D541
125 tons
Propelling Charge, D540
125 tons
Primer, N528
4 tons
Flash Reducer, D553
8 tons
Projectile, Bench HE, D680
250 tons
Propelling Charge, D675
90 tons
Propelling Charge, D676
90 tons
Propelling Charge, D662
90 tons
Flash Reducer, D681
2 tons
Total Stacks Needed
Total FSUs Needed
12. What distance is required between a stack containing 10 tons of propelling charges, D541, and a stack
A. 50 feet.
B. 75 feet.
C. 100 feet.
D. 125 feet.