Figure 1. Ammunition supply point area layout plan
(4). Vehicle Holding Area. This area is established to reduce congestion. It should be located near the
ASP office where vehicles will not interfere with traffic flow. Ammunition vehicles are held in this
area until they can be loaded or unloaded. Remember that loaded vehicles are considered above-
ground, unbarricaded magazines and must be located to observe quantity distance requirements.
(5). Vehicle Assembly Area. This area should be convenient to the exit of the ASP, so that loaded
vehicles can wait for other vehicles to join them before leaving the ASP in a convoy.
(6). Demolition Area. This area is used for the destruction of unserviceable ammunition. It is located at
least 700 meters from all other areas, and in an area unsuitable for other purposes.
(7). Captured Ammunition Storage Area. This area must be separated from all other areas by 700 meters.
It must be well isolated by fire breaks.