(b). You can only use the modular storage system in a combat zone where insufficient real estate or
limited security is a guiding factor. Remember this system is restricted to class 1.1 ammunition.
For additional information on the use of this storage system, see AR 385-64. Due to the large
construction requirements of this system for making hard surface pads and barricades, the
modular system is normally used only in areas such as CSAs and TSAs.
(c). The modular storage system will decrease your real estate requirements. It offers greatly
improved security with comparable forces, and reduced vulnerability to direct fire on ammunition
stocks because of the smaller area and the use of barricades. It does not provide the same degree
of protection for personnel or ammunition stocks as the more widely dispersed storage systems,
such as area storage or roadside storage.
(d). Use of the modular storage system will under no circumstances preclude adherence, in so far as
feasible, to other principles of ammunition storage such as:
1. Maximum separation of ammunition stocks from other areas.
3. Dispersion of stocks within available cells to avoid complete loss of a single type munition
from one explosion or fire.
(e). Let's look again at the advantages and the disadvantages of using the modular storage system.
You need to remember that the modular storage system is used in a combat zone and requires
prior approval from your major command headquarters.
(1). The advantages are:
Reduced transportation needs in the ammunition area.
Reduced internal roadnet needs.
Greatly improved security with comparable forces.
Greatly reduced real estate requirements.
Reduced vulnerability to direct fire on ammunition because of the smaller area and use of
(2). Some of the disadvantages are:
The possibility of fire or explosions spreading from cell to cell because of heat generation
Increased danger to ammunition from indirect fire and aerial bombs because of the
concentration of stocks.
The need for more engineer support for initial construction.
(f) The modular storage system may be composed of not more than eight connected cells. Each
module is separated by barricades as shown in Figure 5, page 7. Explosives limitations are set at
250,000 pounds NEW for each cell, and 2,000,000 pounds NEW per module, consisting of eight
cells. The items stored in each module must be compatible.