(3) Set the signal source (A7) AC power switch to ON and energize the
remaining instruments and allow 15 minutes for warmup.
(4) Adjust the main line variable attenuator (B13) for 20 milliwatts on
the power meter. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 10, connection B.
Throughout this procedure, monitor the frequency during power applied
(6) Disconnect cable (B7) from power standard assembly (A6).
(7) On each power bridge, place the reference generator function switch
to NULL and the V-REM-V switch to V.
(8) Place the reference generator function switch on each power bridge
to the RVG position (fully-counterclockwise).
(10) Measure the voltage at each power bridge RVG terminal, using DC
bridge number 2 as V2.
(11) Reconnect cable (B7) to the power standard assembly.
(12) Set the V-REM-V switch on both power bridges to V.
Measure and
record the voltage at bridge number 1 as V1 and number 2 as V2.
(13) Compute and record the power ratio, applying the valves recorded
above to the following formula:
(14) Disconnect the TI from the power
reconnect it to the power standard assembly.
(15) Repeat (6) through (13) above.
(16) Deenergize the two power bridges and exchange the cables connected
to their BOLO terminals.
(17) Energize the bridges.
(18) Repeat (6) through (15) above.