Figure 16. Extract of Table 5-18, TM 9-1300-206
a. All ammunition and explosive items are assigned to an appropriate storage compatibility group (SCG) for
storage at military activities.
b. The factors which determine ammunition and explosive storage compatibility groups are obtained from
ammunition drawings, testing during RDTE, and other data required by TB 700-2.
c. The highest degree of safety in ammunition and explosives storage could be assured if each item or
division were stored separately. However, such ideal storage generally is not feasible.
(1) A proper balance of safety and other factors frequently requires mixing of several types of
ammunition and explosives in storage.
(2) Ammunition and explosives will not be stored with other materials which present potential hazards to
the munitions (for example, mixed storage of ammunition and explosive items with flammable or
corrosive materials).
(3) Considerations used in developing SCGs include:
Chemical and physical properties of the item.
Design characteristics.
QD division.
Net explosive weight (NEW).
Sensitivity to initiation.
Effects of deflagration.
d. Compatible ammunition and explosives.
(1) The grouping of different kinds of explosives into a compatible storage system is one way to ease the
burden placed on the ammunition storage facility. This is accomplished by use of a mixing chart (see
Figure 17, page 20) which identifies SCGs permitted in same location.