(1) Group S - Ammunition with no significant hazard. These items are designed and/or packed to limit
any explosive effect to the package. Examples are thermal batteries, explosive switches, valves, etc.
e. Mixed Storage
(1) The mixing of SCGs is permitted as indicated in Figure 17. Items in storage compatibility groupings
are listed alphabetically in Table 5-19 of TM 9-1300-206 (shown as Figure 18).
(2) Items from SCGs C, D, E, F, G, and S may be combined in storage, providing the net quantity of
explosives does not exceed 1,000 pounds per storage site.
(3) SCGs H, J and K will not normally be stored with other SCGs except for the explosive bursters and/or
fuzing required with these items. Examples: fuzed gas projectiles, WP, and CS grenades.
(4) In addition to the above, ammunition 30MM and less assigned to hazard class 1.4 in groups C, G or S
may be stored without regard to explosive quantity limits.
11. Use of barricades (see Figure 19, page 26).
a. The use of barricades against high-velocity, low-angle fragments is very effective.
b. Barricades are ineffective against high-angle fragments.
c. Only limited protection against blast can be expected in the immediate vicinity.
d. Properly constructed, separate artificial or natural barricades are effective means for protecting structures
and/or operations. The following rules apply:
(1) Barricades shall not be used to reduce distances required for fire hazards of class 1.3 materials or
(2) Protection is considered effective if the line from the explosive source is higher than item being
(3) For railroads and highways to be considered barricaded, the line must pass 12 feet above the center
of the highway or railroad.
(4) The barricade must be separated from both the building it is to screen and the building containing the
(5) Barricades may be natural or artificial earth mounds having sloping sides or single revetted with wood
or concrete. The width of the barricade should be at least three feet, and it should be three feet
higher than the hazard source.
(6) The length of the barricade is determined by the size of the structure being protected. It should
extend three feet beyond the ends of the structure.