b. These laboratories also calibrate certain items of customer TMDE
that cannot be calibrated by the secondary transfer teams, provide technical
support and advice to other agencies as required, annotate calibration data
c. Specified secondary reference standards must also be calibrated
periodically to assure that they have not deviated from established
They are normally calibrated by primary reference level
on which secondary reference standards must be calibrated and at what
A recall schedule for those standards requiring primary
reference level service is provided by the US Army Standards Laboratory.
Items to be calibrated will be carefully packaged according to military
specifications and will either be shipped or transported (depending on the
distance involved) to the primary reference facility.
d. Standards may be shipped in the original containers in which they
were received.
When original containers are not available or are
inadequate, packaging and shipment of standards and associated equipment
will be in accordance with MIL-C-45686, MIL-F-45687, MIL-STD-129, applicable
technical bulletins, and the appropriate technical manual for individual
Special and precautionary handling markings will be applied
strictly in accordance with the specifications. The Army has procured and
distributed a shipping container for the movement of TMDE (Isopods). These
containers are excellent for the shipment of calibration equipment.
e. In order to maintain property accountability all shipments must be
coordinated with or preferably made through the property book holder.
Normally this will be done by the technical supply section.
f. All shipping documentations and instructions will also be noted to
the effect that special and precautionary handling is necessary. Often time
is a special factor when shipping calibration equipment.
g. The development of new equipment requires new calibration and the
resulting development of calibration procedures, changes to existing
calibration procedures, modifications of equipment, and the issuance of
other technical or regulatory material on calibration.
It is therefore
necessary to establish an effective system for the analysis, interpretation,
and dissemination of the material and instructions to personnel engaged in
calibration operations. Moreover, it is necessary to effect cross-training
of personnel to add flexibility and versatility to company operations. For
this reason, training is one of the most important functions of the company.
To train, the secondary reference laboratory noncommissioned officers
normally serve as calibration