arm instantly after coming to rest on the ground. They use an internal proximity fuze to function. The color code
for M741-series projectiles is olive-drab with yellow triangles and markings. The DODIC for the M741 series is
Antipersonnel 155-millimeter projectiles are designed to deliver antipersonnel grenades or mines to a designated
target area. Examples of 155-millimeter antipersonnel projectiles are shown in Figure 2-37.
M449-series HE projectiles are designed to deliver a concentration of antipersonnel grenades. They have a
forged-steel body with a base plug, an ogive, and an eyebolt lifting plug in the nose. They are base-ejection
projectiles that carry 60 M43-series grenades. The grenades are ejected during flight, and, upon impact with the
ground, they expel a submunition that detonates approximately 4 to 6 feet in the air. The color code for these
projectiles is an olive-drab body with yellow diamonds and markings. The DODIC for the M449 and M449E1 is
D561. The DODIC for the M449A1 and M449E2 is D562.
The M692 is an HE projectile designed to deliver antipersonnel mines called Area Denial Artillery Munitions
(ADAMs). The projectile has a forged-steel body with a base plug, an ogive, and a fusible lifting plug in the nose.
It is a base-ejection projectile that carries 36 mines that are ejected during flight. Shortly after impact with the
ground, the mines arm themselves, deploy trip wires, and start a self-destruct timer. The mine will function if it is
disturbed, if triggered by trip wire, or after a predetermined time limit expires. The color code for the M692 is
olive-drab with yellow triangles and markings. Its DODIC is D501.
The M731 is another HE projectile designed to deliver antipersonnel ADAMs. Its body is constructed of forged
steel, and it has a base plug, an ogive, and a lifting plug. The lifting plug may be of the yellow type or the
universal type. This is a base-ejection projectile that carries 36 mines. The mines are ejected during flight.
Shortly after impact with the ground, the mines arm themselves, deploy trip wires, and start a self-destruct timer.
The mine will function if disturbed, if triggered by trip wire, or after a predetermined time limit expires. The color
code for the M731 is an olive-drab body with yellow triangles and markings. Its DODIC is D502.
Dual-purpose (DP) 155-millimeter projectiles are designed to deliver DP (armor-defeating and antipersonnel)
submunitions on target. Examples of DP projectiles are shown in Figure 2-38.
M483-series HE projectiles are designed to deliver M42 and M46 grenades. They have a forged-steel and
aluminum body with a base plug, an ogive, and a fusible lifting plug in the nose. The lifting plug may be of the
yellow fusible type or the universal type. These are base-ejection projectiles that carry 88 DP grenades (64 M42
grenades and 24 M46 grenades). The grenades themselves provide the projectiles' dual capability. However, a
third effect can be achieved by replacing the original expelling charge with a spotting charge designed to detonate
the entire projectile as if it were a bulk-loaded HE item. The grenades are normally expelled at a predetermined
time in flight. They are armed while falling, and function upon impact. The color code for M483-series projectiles
is an olive-drab body with yellow diamonds and markings. Their DODIC is D563.
The M864 is an extended-range DP projectile that is also designed to deliver M42 and M46 grenades. It has a
forged-steel body with a base plug, an ogive, and a universal lifting plug. It is a base-ejection projectile that
carries 72 DP grenades (48 M42 grenades and 24 M46 grenades). The grenades provide the projectile's dual
capability. However, a third effect can be achieved by replacing the original expelling charge with a spotting
charge designed to detonate the entire projectile as if it were a bulk-loaded HE item. Once fired, the propellant
ignites the base burner unit, which expels hot gas and increases the projectile's range. At the