issued unfuzed. The cartridge case is constructed of a three-piece steel spiral wrap with a percussion primer and
an adjustable propelling charge. The color code for the XM913 is a forest-green projectile with yellow markings.
Its DODIC is C463.
The antipersonnel rounds for the 105-millimeter howitzer are all semi-fixed munitions that use adjustable
propelling charges. Examples of 105-millimeter antipersonnel howitzer cartridges are shown in Figure 2-32.
They are used to deliver a payload of submunitions (antipersonnel grenades) on target.
Figure 2-32. 105mm howitzer antipersonnel cartridges.
The M413 uses a cylindrical, forged-steel, base-ejection projectile with an MTSQ fuze to deliver a total of eighteen
M35 grenades. The M35 grenades will be covered later in this lesson. The M413's cartridge case can be made
of either brass, drawn steel, or spiral wrap, and it has a percussion primer. Its color code is an olive-drab
projectile with yellow markings. The DODIC for the M413 antipersonnel cartridge is C469.
The M444 antipersonnel cartridge uses a cylindrical, forged-steel, base-ejection projectile with modified M548 or
M565 MTSQ fuzes to deliver eighteen M39 grenades. The M39 grenades will also be covered later in this lesson.
The cartridge case may be either drawn steel