blunt ogive with two rotating bands, a BD fuze, and an extended tracer element. The cartridge case contains an
electrically initiated primer. Its color code is a light green body with one yellow band and light red markings. The
DODIC for the M416 cartridge is C512.
120-Millimeter Tank Ammunition. This type of ammunition is used in the newer M1A1-series tanks. It
includes explosive AT, non-explosive AT, air defense, and practice rounds. Both types of AT round are shown in
Figure 2-29.
The M830-series rounds are high-explosive, anti-tank, multi-purpose (HEAT-MP) cartridges with tracers.
Designed for use against armored targets and helicopters, they are fired from the M256 120-millimeter
smoothbore cannon. The baseline design contains a propulsion system consisting of a metal case base, a
combustible cartridge case, a case adapter, and a primer. The projectile consists of a fin-stabilized subcaliber
projectile, a three-piece aluminum sabot, and a fuzing system. The fuzing system includes a base element with a
flexible communication circuit, a frontal impact switch assembly (FISA), and a proximity switch. The nose of the
projectile contains the proximity switch, which is coupled to the FISA. The FISA, in turn, is coupled to the
warhead body. This fuzing will function upon impact or by proximity when an air target is detected. The DODIC
for the M830 series is C791.
The M829 is a 120-millimeter kinetic-energy cartridge. It is designed for use as an armor-piercing AT round. The
round consists of a metal cartridge case with a combustible sidewall, a primer, and a projectile. The projectile
consists of a depleted-uranium sub-projectile, aluminum fins with tracers, and an aluminum sabot. The color code
for this munition is a black body with white markings. The DODIC for the M829A1 is C380.
Howitzer Ammunition
Howitzer ammunition includes 105-millimeter cartridges and 155-millimeter/8-inch rounds. The medium-sized
(105-millimeter) cartridges may be either fixed or semi-fixed. The large-sized (155-millimeter and 8-inch) rounds
are always separate-loading.
105-Millimeter Cartridges. Although howitzers are designed as indirect fire weapons, ammunition has been
designed to provide the 105-millimeter howitzer with a direct-fire capability. This ammunition is designed primarily
for self-defense against armor or massed-personnel attacks. The 105-millimeter ammunition most commonly
encountered includes HE, antipersonnel, and chemical (bursting- or burning-type smoke). The paragraphs that
follow describe these types of howitzer ammunition.
Some AT cartridges for howitzers are fixed munitions designed for direct-fire use. Examples of such 105-
millimeter AT rounds are shown in Figure 2-30. M327-series cartridges are plasticized HE rounds with tracers.
They are designed for AT and antipersonnel use. The projectile is a thin-walled steel cylinder with a short ogive,
a flat base with a BD fuze, and a tracer element. The cartridge case is made of either brass or steel, and has a
percussion primer and a non-adjustable propellant charge. The color code for M327-series cartridges is an olive-
drab projectile with one black band and yellow markings. Their DODIC is C448.
The M622 is a HEAT round with tracer. It is designed for use against armor and other hard targets. The
projectile consists of a cylindrical steel body with a threaded standoff spike, a plastic obturating band, and a tail
boom and fin assembly with a tracer and a PIBD fuze. The cartridge case is constructed of a two-piece spiral
wrap with a percussion primer and a nonadjustable propelling charge. The color code for the M622 cartridge is a
black projectile with yellow markings. Its DODIC is C472.
HE howitzer munitions used for indirect fire are semi-fixed ammunition rounds with adjustable propelling charges.
Examples of such 105-millimeter HE cartridges are shown in Figure 2-31.