Figure 2-17. Special-purpose grenades.
is assembled in linked belts. It is fired from the weapon by percussion primer, and uses an internal PD fuze to
function upon impact. The color code for the M383 is an olive-drab cartridge case with white markings and a
yellow ogive. The DODIC for the M383 is B571.
The M430 is a high-explosive, dual-purpose (HEDP) round. It is designed for use against armored targets, and
has the additional capability of inflicting personnel casualties in the target area. It is used with the MK19 mod 3
machine gun only. The M430 round consists of an aluminum cartridge case and a steel projectile. It is fired from
the weapon by a percussion primer, and uses an internal point-initiating, base-detonating (PIBD) fuze to function
upon impact. The color coding for the M430 is an olive-drab cartridge case with yellow markings and a yellow
ogive. The DODIC for the M430 is B542.
40-Millimeter Antipersonnel Cartridge. The only 40-millimeter antipersonnel munition in the supply system
is the M576 multiple-projectile cartridge. It is used with the M79 and M203 gun systems. This round is designed
for use in counterinsurgency and conventional operations that are conducted in poor-visibility areas (such as
jungle environments). The M576 consists of an aluminum cartridge case with a polyethylene sabot-assembly
projectile. The projectile has a sabot-type carrier with a center cavity containing a plastic cup filled with 20 metal
pellets. This round is fired from the weapon by a percussion primer, and uses the setback force from the
cartridge ignition to free the pellets. The M576 cartridge does not use any fuzing. Its color code is a black
cartridge case with white markings. The DODIC for the M576 cartridge is B536.