has a plastic ogive. The color of the ogive denotes the smoke color. This item is used only with the M79 or the
M203. It is fired from the weapon by a percussion primer, and it functions in the air after a delay of approximately
two seconds. The color code for the M676 cartridge is a light-green body with black markings. Its DODIC is
Mortar cartridges range in size from 60-millimeter to 120-millimeter. Because they have adjustable propellant
increments, all mortar rounds are considered semi-fixed. To maintain stabilization in flight, mortars are either
spin-stabilized or fin-stabilized. The only spin-stabilized mortar in the inventory is the 4.2-inch round. It will not be
discussed in this lesson because it is being replaced by the 120-millimeter fin-stabilized system. Mortars may
have HE, base-ejected illuminating, bursting chemical, or burning chemical fillers. The following paragraphs
describe the various mortar systems and fuzes.
60-Millimeter Mortars. Sixty-millimeter mortars are lightweight, platoon-support weapons. They are used
against troops, light vehicles, and light bunkers, as well as for illumination and spotting purposes. Examples of
60-millimeter mortar cartridges are shown in Figure 2-20.
The M720 is a 60-millimeter HE cartridge. It consists of an alloy-steel projectile body, a multi-option fuze, a fin
assembly, and propelling charges. It is used with the M224 lightweight company mortar system. The fuze
functions near the surface (proximity), on impact, or after a preset delay, depending on the setting used. The
color code for the M720 is olive-drab with yellow markings. Its DODIC is B642.
The M721 is a 60-millimeter illuminating cartridge. It consists of an alloy-steel, base-ejecting projectile body with
a mechanical-time, superquick (MTSQ) fuze, a fin assembly, and propelling charges. It is used with the M224
lightweight company mortar system. Its color code is a white body with black markings. The DODIC for the M721
cartridge is B647.
The M722 is a 60-millimeter WP smoke cartridge. It consists of an alloy-steel projectile body with a PD fuze, a fin
assembly, and propelling charges. It is also used with the M224 lightweight company mortar system. Its color
code is a light-green body with one yellow band and red markings. The DODIC for the M722 cartridge is B646.
81-Millimeter Mortars. These are lightweight, company-support weapons. They are used against troops
and light material targets, as well as for illumination and spotting purposes. Examples of 81-millimeter mortar
cartridges are shown in Figure 2-21.
The M821 is an 81-millimeter HE cartridge. It consists of a spheroidal cast-graphite body with a multi-option fuze,
a fin assembly, and propelling charges. It is used in the M252 improved 81-millimeter mortar system. The fuze
functions near the surface (proximity), on impact, or after a preset delay, depending on the setting used. The
color code for the M821 is an olive-drab body with yellow markings. Its DODIC is C868.
M375-series cartridges contain a WP bursting smoke filler. They are used to produce screening smoke and as
incendiary devices against personnel and material. M375-series cartridges consist of a forged-steel or cast-iron
body with a PD fuze, a fin assembly, and propelling charges. They are used with M1 and M29-series mortars.
The fuze functions upon impact. The color code for these items is a light-green body with one yellow band and
light red markings. The DODIC for M375-series cartridges is C276.