(F) (Gain Quantity). Enter gain quantity from the transaction voucher.
(G) (Loss Quantity). Enter loss quantity from the transaction voucher.
(H) (Balance on Hand). Enter the balance on hand for the DODIC after adding the gain or subtracting the
(I) (Quantity on Hand by Condition). Enter the balance brought forward or on-hand for each condition
code. There are four columns for this. Enter 0 if balance is zero.
Numbers are keyed to each example. Two examples are given for each type of transaction shown.
(1) (Issue transactions). Sample issue transaction. NIS is the loss transaction code for combat training.
(2) (Turn-in transactions). Sample turn-in transaction. TAR is the gain transaction code for training
assets returned.
(3) (Condition code transactions). Sample condition code change transaction. Transaction code CCC is
used for all condition code changes except changes to CC-H. Use transaction code CCH to show
condition code change to CC-H.
h. File any XBT-IIN advance shipment notices with supporting documents. Prepare an XBT with the
appropriate SAAS transaction code, such as IIR or LTR, for each DODIC and condition code received.
i. When all the documents supporting the receipt are completed, they are assembled and filed in supply
support activity (SSA) document number sequence. The document control clerk then closes out the
document register entry and files the documents.
4. Partial Receipts. Process partial receipts the same way as complete receipts. However, the document
register is not closed out until all partial receipts have arrived.
5. Receipts without advance notice. When a shipment is received without advance notice, the shipment must be
processed as a normal receipt of ammunition.
6. Wartime Receipts. Advance shipment notification in wartime is the same as in peacetime. After receipt
transaction reports are prepared, file receipts in accordance with wartime accounting procedures established
by the theater commander.
1. Accepting Ammunition.
a. Turn-in is the return to the SAAS-4 activity of unexpended ammunition and salvage. SAAS-4 activities
must accept ammunition, explosives, and residue turned in by using units. The reason for turn-ins could
be due to completion of operations, mission change, basic load change, items on hand are suspended, or
the serviceability of ammunition items is questionable. These items may be serviceable, unserviceable
ammunition, or nonexplosive residue.