Figure 1-3. An example of a publication that supersedes parts of other publications.
There are several resources you can go to when you encounter a specific military term you do not
understand. Three of these are AR 310-25, AR 310-50, and MIL-STD-444. AR 310-25 is the
Dictionary of United States Army Terms. It provides the authorized definitions of terms that are used
throughout the Army. AR 310-50, Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes, provides the
procedures for the use of codes and abbreviations Army-wide. MIL-STD-444, Nomenclature and
Definitions in the Ammunition Area,
establishes uniform definitions for ammunition items. You
refer to this MIL-STD if you find unfamiliar ammunition-related terms in a military publication.
Administrative publications
There are two types of administrative publications―ARs and DA pamphlets.
ARs outline the missions, responsibilities, and administrative procedures necessary to ensure uniform
compliance with policies throughout the Army. They all follow the same basic format, as follows:
The front of an AR contains any change pages, a table of contents, a list of the tables in the AR,
and a list of the figures or diagrams in the AR.