Table 1-3. A breakdown of the supply classification system for ammunition items.
Other Publications
There are several other sources of information that do not fall into any of the categories covered so far.
The most common ammunition-related publications are Army Materiel Command regulations (AMCRs),
ammunition drawings, outloading and storage drawings, and BOE Tariff Number 6000-E.
The AMCR used most often by ammunition officers is AMCR 385-100, Safety, dated 16 March 1991.
This document governs all aspects of safety in the ammunition field.
Ammunition drawings are distributed as 35mm aperture cards that require magnification for viewing.
An example of such a card is shown in Figure 1-7. They illustrate the specific dimensions, weights,
marking requirements, and assembly details of individual ammunition items.
Outloading drawings provide information on loading vehicles and transporting ammunition. They
illustrate the correct methods for loading, blocking, and bracing ammunition for safe shipment. An
example of an outloading drawing is shown in Figure 1-8.
Storage drawings provide information on storing ammunition. They illustrate the correct methods for
stacking ammunition in appropriate facilities. An example of a storage drawing is shown in Figure 1-9.
BOE Tariff Number 6000-E, issued by DOT, contains regulations governing the shipment of hazardous
materials over public routes, including specifications for shipping containers and warning placards. It
lists hazardous materials by class (for example, explosives and flammable liquids) and gives specific
instructions on how they must be transported. This publication takes precedence over military
publications when the safety of civilians is involved.