"As a result of shortage, DA Form xxxxR is attached." (Enter this statement and attach the
appropriate DA form or commander's statement when there is a shortage between the quantity
of unexpended ammunition issued and the ammunition returned to the ASP.)
Block 29. List all supporting DA Forms 581 and DA Forms 581-1.
Blocks 30 Through 31. The requester leaves these blocks blank.
Processing the DA Form 581. After completing the DA Form 581, the using unit takes the
ammunition to be turned in to the ASP and presents the DA Form 581 to the stock control section. The
stock control clerk who receives the DA Form 581 for a turn-in action pulls the due-in suspense copy of
the original issue DA Form 581 and reconciles the turn-in.
The stock control clerk compares the entries in Blocks 3, 7, 8, 13a, 16, 17, and 18 to verify the
accuracy of the technical and administrative entries. He or she then checks Block 28 of the turn-in
document to ensure that the correct statements were entered and signed as required. The statements
entered by the using unit must reference the document number that was used to issue the ammunition.
A document number is then assigned and entered in Block 28 of the DA Form 581.
Next, a DA Form 3151-R is prepared showing the items listed on DA Form 581. The ammunition and
the DA Form 3151-R are then sent to the inspection/turn-in section. This section counts and classifies
the ammunition, then enters the actual quantity turned in on the DA Form 3151-R. The DA Form 3151-
R is then returned to the stock control section, where the quantity and types of ammunition turned in
are compared with the DA Form 581 turn-in document from the using unit. If there are shortages, the
stock control clerk lists the shortages on the DA Form 581.
Transaction Reporting, Completing, and Filing. If the SSA or ASP reports to a SAAS-1/3
(TAACOM/COSCOM) unit, it must complete and forward a DIC-XBH transaction card for each turn-in of
ammunition. SSAs and ASPs not reporting to a SAAS-1/3 (TAACOM/COSCOM) unit must report turn-
ins according to the procedures established at the MACOM level.
When the turn-in processing is completed (including closing the action out on the document register
and posting the stock records), the DA Form 581 and any additional documents supporting the turn-in
are filed in the SSA or ASP voucher file by SSA or ASP document number sequence.
Ammunition Residue Turn-In Procedures
The high cost of reuseable components (such as small-arms cartridge cases) and the high cost of
packaging materials have resulted in an effort in DOD to retrieve this materiel for reuse or to sell the
items for recycling their metals.