A temporary suspension is an interim order (distributed by message) prohibiting the issuance of an item pending
the results of a malfunction investigation. Quantities on hand are usually reported through command channels by
electrical message.
A permanent suspension is an order based on an engineering evaluation that confirms that the munition is unsafe
or otherwise defective. Quantities on hand are reported through command channels on a DA Form 2415.
Permanently-suspended munitions declared unsuitable for issue and use require either maintenance,
demilitarization, or inspection before they can be used.
Disposition instructions on permanently-suspended munitions are furnished by the national maintenance point
(NMP) upon receipt of the DA Form 2415. The DA Form 2415 is used to identify suspended stocks in storage.
A listing of restricted or suspended lots of ammunition is published quarterly in TB 9-1300-385, Munitions,
Restricted or Suspended. During the quarter, ammunition supplemental notices and overhead fire supplemental
notices are used to publish any additional restrictions or suspensions that occur. The next quarterly publication of
TB 9-1300-385 incorporates all supplements and announces any releases from suspension.
The control of suspended stocks is the responsibility of the ammunition surveillance organization that maintains
the installation's master suspension records. The ammunition surveillance organization is also responsible for
ensuring that suspended items that are restricted from handling or movement are not moved, handled, or shipped,
except as specifically authorized by higher headquarters.
Classes of Suspension
There are two classes of suspension-Class A and Class B. Class A suspensions apply to defective munitions that
endanger life, property, or materiel. Class B suspensions apply to all other defective munitions.
Suspension Limitations
There are three limitations on suspensions as follows:
The suspended from issue and use. (SIU) limitation imposes no restrictions on the handling, movement, or
transport of the suspended munition.
The suspended from issue, movement, and use (SIMU) limitation does impose such restrictions due to the
safety hazard presented by the munition.
ACC-N munitions may be issued only in emergency combat conditions when no other serviceable stocks are
Ammunition items may be restricted for issue, handling, transportation, storage, and use for a variety of reasons.
TB 9-1300-385 explains what the restrictions may be (such as issuable only to certain units, usable only in certain
weapons, or stored or fired only within certain temperature limits).