on the extent of defects and the work required to return the item to an issuable condition. The types of data
required to evaluate the reliability of the stockpile include the condition of the materiel, the quantity, the date of
manufacture, the type of storage, the type of defects, the assignable cause or causes of defects, and the results of
tests. The surveillance organization is also required to submit various other types of reports on items received or
in storage, and to maintain certain specified records.
DA Form 3022-R (Army Depot Surveillance Record)
An example of a completed DA Form 3022-R, commonly called a DSR card, is shown in Figure 2-4. A DA Form
3022-R is prepared and maintained in an up-to-date status for each lot, SN, or group of ammunition in storage
(except nuclear weapons).
When ammunition is shipped from one storage activity to another, a copy of the DA Form 3022-R is forwarded
from the consignor to the consignee. When the shipment is from a CONUS depot to an overseas storage area, a
copy is also forwarded to the appropriate overseas command commodity manager.
The DA Form 3022-R provides the complete technical history for each lot of ammunition, including a record of
all inspections performed, storage conditions, maintenance performed, and any other pertinent information on the
background of the lot.
DD Form 1575 (Suspended Tag-Materiel) and DD Form 1575-1 (Suspended Label-Materiel)
When TB 9-1300-385 shows that an ammunition lot in your area of responsibility has been suspended or
restricted, identify the suspended stocks using a DD Form 1575 or DD Form 1575-1. Samples of these forms are
shown in Figure 2-5. Annotate the appropriate form with one of the following remarks:
Suspended-Issue Prohibited.
Suspended from Issue, Movement, and Use.
Suspended Except for Emergency Combat Use.
Attach the completed form to the ammunition lot stack.
Write your entries as large as you can. The command may authorize the fabrication of multilingual or more-
conspicuous placards.
DA Form 3023 (Gage Record)
A DA Form 3023, shown in Figure 2-6, is received with each gauge. It includes pertinent gauge information.
The DA Form 3023 is kept up to date, with actual gauge usage recorded on the reverse side. This form is used to
determine when gauges should be submitted for a dimensional check, and is returned with a gauge that requires a
use-test check.
DD Form 1650 (Ammunition Data Card)
The DD Form 1650 (see Figure 2-1 on page 2-7) is used as a record of ammunition and explosive material. It
contains descriptive data pertaining to one lot of ammunition. The original DD Form 1650 for an ammunition lot
is completed by the manufacturer. When a lot of ammunition or explosive material is changed or renovated, a
new DD Form 1650 is completed for that lot.