Critical Task: 03-4020.02-0001
Lesson Description
In this lesson, you will learn the functions, responsibilities, and reporting procedures used in the Army's
ammunition surveillance program.
Terminal Learning Objective
Define the purpose of ammunition surveillance, the types of ammunition surveillance inspections,
and the types of surveillance records and reports. Describe the ammunition stockpile reliability
program (ASRP) and the safety and logistics testing functions of surveillance.
You will be given this lesson and the accompanying practice exercise.
Describe ammunition surveillance operations according to AR 702-6 and SB 742-1.
The material contained in this lesson was derived from AR 702-6, AR 702-12, AR 740-1, and SB
Ammunition is manufactured under guidelines established according to specifications outlined in military
standards and contractual agreements. Despite rigid manufacturing standards, however, munitions are subject to
damage and deterioration during handling and storage. To ensure that munitions reach the intended users in
serviceable condition and function as intended, an effective program of inspecting and testing must be carried out
at all Army activities within the continental United States (CONUS) and overseas. The mission of this program
includes the receipt, storage, maintenance, and issue of ammunition materiel; the maintenance of basic loads; and
the maintenance of commodities managed by MICOM or AMCCOM. Further information on the maintenance of
basic loads is contained in AR 700-22, Worldwide Ammunition Reporting System (WARS), dated 15 October
1983, and in AR 710-9, Guided Missile and Large Rocket Ammunition Issues, Receipts, and Expenditures Report,
dated 9 January 1987.
The Army's ammunition surveillance program can be defined as the observation, inspection, investigation, testing,
studying, grading, and classification of munitions during their manufacture, movement, storage, maintenance, and
use. All surveillance operations are performed with respect to ammunition serviceability, hazards, and rates of