b. The J5000S accepts a signal in the range of 0 - 1 vdc from the output of the transducer on the weigh-beam and provides a
digital display of the beam position. Two calibrating features convert the position indication to mass units. A ZERO function
forces the indication to be .000 -IN RANGE when the weigh-pan is either empty or contains a modest tare. A CALIBRATE
function measures the full scale output of the transducer with a standard weight on the pan and converts the output to indicate
000 -OVER which is an indication of 1.000. These two functions which are controlled by push-buttons on the front panel
permit almost instantaneous calibration of the balance and eliminate the need for any mechanical adjustments. An additional
function, PRINT, is available to permit the use of a printer or computer in conjunction with the J5000S. On command, the data
displayed is transmitted to a connector at the rear of the instrument in serial form, the most significant digit first. The data is
coded as BCD in a 1-2-4-8 format. In addition, an MSD pulse is provided coincident with the first digit. The output is TTL