MM2600, Lesson 2
Full Protective Clothing Symbols
Full protective clothing symbols are divided into sets 1, 2, and 3. The different sets are indicated by
different colors of the figure and of the rim. When this symbol has a blue background with a red figure
and a red rim, it indicates the presence of highly toxic chemicals that can cause bodily harm or even
death. When a location marked with this symbol is involved in a fire, personnel in the area must wear
full protective clothing identified as Set 1, which consists of the following: M9 series protective gas
mask or self-contained breathing apparatus, impermeable suit, impermeable hood, impermeable boots,
treated undergarments, coveralls, protective footwear, and impermeable gloves. When the same
symbol is painted with a blue background with a yellow figure and a yellow rim, it indicates the
presence of harassing chemicals such as riot-control agents and smoke. When a storage location
marked with this symbol is involved in a fire, personnel in the area must wear full protective clothing
identified as Set 2, which consists of the following: M9 series protective gas mask or self-contained
breathing apparatus, coveralls, and protective gloves. The same symbol painted with a blue
background with a white rim indicates the presence of white phosphorous and other spontaneously
combustible material. When an ammunition location marked with this symbol is involved in a fire,
personnel in the area must wear full protective clothing identified as Set 3, which consists of the
following: M9 series protective gas mask or self-contained breathing apparatus, flame-resistant
coveralls, and flame-resistant gloves.
Breathing Apparatus Symbol
When this symbol is posted at a storage location, it indicates the presence of incendiary and readily-
flammable chemical agents that present intense radiant heat when burning. When these items are
involved in a fire, a protective mask or a self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn to prevent
inhalation of smoke. This symbol is blue with a white figure and a white rim.
Apply No Water Symbol
When this symbol is displayed at a storage site, it means that if the items stored are involved in a fire,
applying water to extinguish the fire will cause a dangerous reaction. Mixing water with some burning
elements could produce a more combustible mixture or it may spread the fire. This symbol has a white
background, a red circle and diagonal line, and black figures.
Chemical Agent Symbols
There are five additional symbols that may be displayed to indicate the chemical agent contained in the
items stored at a location. These symbols are all 24 inches in diameter and have a yellow background
and 12-inch-high black letters.
Two of t he che mica l a g e nt symb o ls in d ica t e t he p re se n c e of n e rve ag e n t s. S ymbo l G
indicates a GB or nonpersistent nerve agent. Symbol VX indicates a VX or persistent