MM2600, Lesson 2
nerve agent. Both nerve agents are highly toxic and can cause death. The symbol BZ indicates the
presence of an incapacitating agent, one that causes disorientation for a period of time but has no
lasting or dangerous effects. Two symbols indicate the presence of agents that blister skin. Symbol H
indicates mustard gas, which may have H, HT, or HD marked on the item or container. Symbol L
indicates lewisite, which is similar to mustard gas.
Determining Symbols To Be Displayed. To determine which symbol to display, use table 3-1 in TM
9-1300-206. Turn to the extract of this table on page 34. You find the agent in the first column--GB, for
example. Read to the right of GB until you find the block with the letter X. Read up from the X and you
find that a protective clothing symbol and a chemical agent symbol are required: full protective clothing
Set 1 and the symbol G.
To find out which fire division the various types of chemical ammunition belong in, go to table 4-2 of TM
9-1300-206 (see the extract on pages 35 and 36). First find the chemical group that the item is in.
Read down the left-hand column of the table until you find the chemical agent you are looking for. Then
read to the right under the chemical group column. Note that GB is in chemical group A, CS is in group
B, WP is in group C, and NP is in group D. These chemical groups are listed in the tables in TM 9-
1300-206 that give the fire divisions.
Let's say you have a magazine at your installation in which HC smoke grenades are stored. Your job is
to find out what fire symbol and chemical hazard symbols must be displayed at this location. You
would go through the following steps to find out:
Step 1. Turn to table 5-21 of TM 9-1300-206 (see the extract on pages 27-33) and find "Grenade,
smoke, HC."
Step 2. Find the quantity-distance class. Grenade, smoke, HC is in class 1.3, which means that it
belongs in hazard class 1.3. The fire symbol to use is symbol 3.
Step 3. Turn to table 3-1 of TM 9-1300-206 (extract on page 34 ). Find "HC" in the left-hand
column and read to the right. The chemical hazard symbols required are marked with the letter X.
The magazine with HC smoke grenades must have three symbols displayed: fire symbol 3, the apply
no water symbol, and the breathing apparatus.
listed by chemical group in table 5-21, not by
their individual names. In such cases, you
must first determine the chemical group by
referring to table 4-2 of TM 9-1300-206 (see
extract on pages 35 and 36).