Figure 1-13 is an extract of the storage compatibility chart contained in TM 9-1300-206. This is the
chart used to determine which storage compatibility groups may be combined in storage and which
groups must be stored separately. Examine the chart and read the notes carefully.
To learn how an item of ammunition may be stored, first find out what SCG it belongs to from table
5-20 in TM 9-1300-206 (see figure 1-12). Then use the storage compatibility chart. White-phosphorus
(WP) filled ammunition, for example, belongs to SCG H, according to table 5-20 in TM 9-1300-206.
Locate SCG H on the storage compatibility chart in figure 5-3 of TM 9-1300-206 (see figure 1-13) and
read across or down to find out which, if any, SCG may be stored with it. When you do, you will find
that only ammunition items in SCG S may be stored with ammunition items in SCG H.
Table 5-21 in TM 9-1300-206 provides an easier reference for finding the SCG of an ammunition
item. It lists most ammunition items in alphabetical order and gives the SCG for each item. An extract
of this table is shown in figure 1-14.
Items from SCGs C, D, E, F, G, and S may be combined in storage, provided the net weight of
explosives in the items or in bulk does not exceed 1,000 pounds per storage site. In addition, these
items must be packaged according to approved drawings. For example, 600 pounds of bulk black
powder and 375 pounds of fireworks may be stored together if packaged according to approved
drawings. Bulk black powder is SCG D, fireworks are SCG G, and the total combined weight of the
items is less than 1,000 pounds.
The compatibility chart you have just used applies to storage only. Ammunition being
transported comes under a different set of regulations and publications.
You should have learned from this lesson the proper procedures to use in determining the storage
compatibility groups for conventional ammunition and which groups may be stored together. Never rely
on your memory to determine compatibility, use TM 9-1300-206. The storage compatibility chart and
table 5-21 are your tools in deciding the correct storage group. Remember, this lesson covers storage
compatibility only. Don't confuse it with field storage categories.